Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Tome Ranger

"Fond of Beer in Swarthy Nooks, but Happiest Among his Books"

An intermittent recommended reading list...

Father Walter Ciszek

Father Ciszak was a Jesuit priest who grew up in a mining town in Eastern Pennsylvania.

Following his call to the priesthood he was ordained. His initial formation left him with the strong impression that much good could come from suffering and tragedy as long as one lived in abandonment to Divine Providence and never ceases to trust God's will. Father volunteered to study Russian in hopes of being a missionary there but instead found himself in Poland when the Red Army invaded Poland. He was incarcerated in solitary confinement for five years in the notorious Lubyanka Prison in Moscow and also served 15 years in Gulag at hard labor.

Finally in 1963, after 24 years in captivity he was released in a prisoner exchange. He used his remarkable faith journey to author two classic accounts that deserve a space on every Christian's bookshelf, 'With God in Russia” and “He Leadeth Me.” Lent marks a perfect time to deepen our faith by taking up one or both of these timeless treasures.

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